This morning the office team had a discussion about the current weather and how it had impacted on our business overnight. Of course, I was involved in this whole-heartedly, never once looking over the manager’s head to the donuts that were placed just behind him. We love donut Friday in this office! In all honesty, though, the weather has been pretty extreme overnight. This morning it was minus 2 in my car! Schools in Plymouth have been closed, drivers were stranded at Holden Hill for hours with local pubs making up make shift beds to house cold and tired drivers for the night, trains have been cancelled and plenty of people have fallen on the icy pavement’s including our very own Marketing genius in the office. In March of last year, we had snow for days. Of course, the romantic part of me thought it was wonderful to see families outside having snowball fights, sliding on sleds and making snowmen before going indoors to cosy up and watch a film in front of a roaring fire ...